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Our Story

Do Tell™ is more than a card game. It’s a fun, engaging way to spark meaningful conversation between friends and loved ones as you bond over your exploration of important topics like intimacy, intention, wellness, and self-awareness. 

Do Tell™ brings people together and builds a sense of community, offering each player the opportunity to address subjects they may normally be too afraid to discuss. It’s a game that encourages vulnerability and reveals commonalities across groups and individuals, reminding us all that we aren’t on this journey through life alone. 

Where It All Began...

I discovered my passion for learning at a young age. Growing up in a very vocal family, open communication was a cornerstone of every gathering and very few topics were considered off limits. My parents always encouraged me to be a free thinker and, after many "spirited debates," I learned how to be open, vulnerable, and honest. The feeling that I got from having those open (and sometimes brutally honest) conversations, gave me a sense of peace and enlightenment.

Over time, I developed an eagerness to understand others and the experiences that make us all so unique which led to my career as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I believe that the fastest way to connect with another person is through exploration and I'm happy to be sharing a collection of questions that I've used to encourage that exploration throughout the years.

My hope is that Do Tell™ serves as a starting point in your journey towards gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, strengthening your relationships, and sharing those wonderful parts of who you are that we sometimes hide from those we know best. 

What's Up With the Good Deed Cards?

The rules state that, should you choose not to answer a question, you must draw a card from the One Good Deed deck. Why? Because we believe in the power of doing good. Doing nice things for others doesn’t have to cost a lot or take a lot of time, but it’s a great way to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost happiness.